'Das Wunder der Heliane' - Deutsche Oper Berlin (Naxos DVD)
‘La Gioconda’ at the Gran Teatre del Liceu
Brian Jagde, a tenor (debutant at the Liceu) who gave us an Enzo with veristic features, homogeneous in all the ranges, with power in his emission and a fantastic 'Vien!' culminating in a 'Cielo e mar' of contrasting emotions.
“Brian Jagde’s Enzo Grimaldo benefitted from a potent voice with color, with power, heroic features and great phrasing in the most committed moments.”
{El Enzo Grimaldo de Brian Jagde se benefició de una voz tan potente como timbrada, con punta, rasgos heroicos y frases geniales en los momentos más comprometidos.}
Pablo Meléndez-Haddad – el Periódico
“Brian Jagde presented a thriving Enzo Grimaldo, spirited after his disguise for having been expelled from Venice, made convincing in both his rejection of the love of Gioconda and his surrender to Laura Adorno, the wife of the Duke of Venice.”
{Brian Jagde puso en escena un Enzo Grimaldo pujante, brioso tras su disfraz por haber sido expulsado de Venecia, hizo convincente tanto su rechazo al amor de la Gioconda como su entrega a Laura Adorno, la esposa del Dux de Venecia.}
Félix de la Fuente – Opera World
” … the tenor Brian Jagde was also at the top and has great vocal power, with a veristic high register and a great stage presence.”
{… el tenor Brian Jagde va estar a l’alçada i va lluir una gran potència vocal, amb un registre agut molt verista i una gran presència escènica.}
Gerard Guerra Ribó – El Nacional
“The American tenor Brian Jagde was very well received, and who surprised us as an Enzo with an outstanding and powerful instrument able to nuance and give expressiveness to the Genovese prince …”
{Fue muy bien recibido el tenor estadounidense Brian Jagde quien sorprendió como un Enzo de destacado y potente instrumento capaz de matizar y dar expresividad al príncipe genovés …}
Fernando Sans Rivière – Ópera Actual
“The ‘spinto’ power of the soprano could not have had a better stage company than Brian Jagde, a tenor (debutant at the Liceu) who gave us an Enzo with veristic features, homogeneous in all the ranges, with power in his emission and a fantastic ‘Vien!’ culminating in a ‘Cielo e mar’ of contrasting emotions.”
{La musculatura ‘spinto’ de la soprano no podia tenir millor company d’escenari que Brian Jagde, un tenor (debutant al Liceu) que va servir un Enzo amb trets veristes, homogeni en tots els registres i poderós en l’emissió i un ‘Vien!’ fantàstic culminant un ‘Cielo e mar’ de treballats contrastos.}
Jaume Radigales – ara.cat
“… La Gioconda (Pirozzi), falls in love with a nobleman, Enzo (the fabulous American tenor Brian Jagde) who does not respond to her.”
{… la Gioconda (Pirozzi), que se enamora de un noble, Enzo (fabuloso el tenor estadounidense Brian Jagde) que no le corresponde.}
Maricel Chavarría – La Vanguardia
“There was interest in the debut of the emergent tenor Brian Jagde, and a belief that he will not decline. With an imposing presence and a wide, sonorous voice, of natural spinto color, the top register is well resolved and the projection is profound.”
{Hi havia interès a escoltar l’emergent tenor Brian Jagde, i a fe que no va decebre. Amb una planta imponent i una veu ampla, sonora, de natural color spinto, té ben resolta la franja aguda i la projecció és envejable.}
– Nuvol
Photo: A. Bofill / Liceu