The surprise of the evening was Brian Jagde as Pinkerton. The American tenor, a winner at Operalia 2012, had a great impact with his powerfully articulated, very high-pitched voice, his temperament and his youthful approach ..."

“The surprise of the evening was Brian Jagde as Pinkerton. The American tenor, a winner at Operalia 2012, had a great impact with his powerfully articulated, very high-pitched voice, his temperament and his youthful approach. We can look forward to upcoming performances in our broadcasts.”

{Die Überraschung des Abends war aber Brian Jagde als Pinkerton. Der amerikanische Tenor, Gewinner der Operalia 2012, hatte mit seiner kraftvoll attackierenden, sehr höhensicheren Stimme, seinem Temperament und mit jugendlichem Draufgängertum großen Eindruck hinterlassen. Man darf auf baldige Auftritte in unseren Breiten gespannt sein.}
Johannes Marksteiner – Online Merker

“Brian Jagde was an effective Pinkerton with a robust voice and a natural manner on stage.”
Sara Patera – Opera Magazine

“Pinkerton is Brian Jagde, a good-looking American tenor with vigorous vocal prowess, secure in the love duet but even more overwhelming in the farewell aria, which highlights the ringing of his seductive timbre.”

{Pinkerton è Brian Jagde, tenore americano di bella presenza e di vigorosa prestanza vocale, sicuro nel duetto d’amore ma addirittura travolgente nell’arioso d’addio, che mette in evidenza lo squillo di un timbro seducente.}
Bellini News

“Convincing with his squillo, as well as the characterization, Brian Jagde is a handsome and very easy-going Pinkerton, rousing in the final aria, that shows the proof in the brightness of a particularly seductive timbre.”

{Convince lo squillo, oltre che la figura, di Brian Jagde, Pinkerton aitante e fin scanzonato, travolgente nell’arioso finale, che mette in bella evidenza la luminosità di un timbro particolarmente seducente.}
Connessi all’Opera

“To accompany her is the young American tenor Brian Jagde, which brings to the fore a Pinkerton who falls perfectly into the role, with an energetic and brilliant vocal timbre accompanied by a secure dramatization of the character. The strong musical contrasts between the two vocal roles are in “Bimba with eyes full of enchantment” the expressive peak of impending tragedy …”

{Ad accompagnarla è il giovane tenore americano Brian Jagde, che porta alla ribalta un Pinkerton perfettamente calato nel ruolo, con un timbro vocale energico e brillante accompagnato da una sicura drammatizzazione del personaggio. I forti contrasti musicali tra le due parti vocali trovano in “Bimba dagli occhi pieni di malia” l’apice espressivo della tragedia imminente …}
Elisabetta Ragusa – GBOpera

“She was accompanied by American tenor Brian Jagde, a credible Pinkerton for his stage presence and the warm softness of a voice with a ringing timbre.”

{L’affianca il tenore americano Brian Jagde, Pinkerton credibile per la prestanza scenica e la calda pastosità di una voce dagli acuti squillanti.}
Pietro Misuraca –

“Brian Jagde’s Pinkerton has the right boldness and “innocence” of those who don’t know they’re hurting. The vocal clarity is brilliant and the high register safe and always well-projected.”

{Il Pinkerton di Brian Jagde ha la giusta baldanza e “innocenza” di chi non sa di far del male. Lo smalto vocale è brillante e il registro acuto sicuro e sempre ben proiettato.}
L’opera in casa

“Even the Pinkerton of the beautiful tenor Brian Jagde was excellent … one can not fail to recognize the champion’s technique and unsurpassed musicality.”

{Eccellente anche il Pinkerton del bellissimo tenore Brian Jagde … quale non si può non riconoscere la stoffa del fuoriclasse e una musicalità insuperabile.}
-Das Kabarett

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Tenor Brian Jagde Goes Slow and Steady in the Fast Lane

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Tenor Brian Jagde Is Don José In ‘Carmen’ — Opera At The Ballpark, July 2